Project development course

Published in MCD UDG, 2024

In January 2022, I start teaching the Project Development course of the Master in Data Science at UDG. I took this as a Medium-term personal project and, after two years of inherit this course, I selected different data science material and tools for the students to learn and use it for future projects and, in some cases, for their thesis. These material includes collaborative yhe use of version control software GitHub, an overview of Markdown and User Interface commands, perform EDA and use tools for web scraping, interactive graphics, text analysis, wordclouds and maps with Python.
$\bigstar$ Click here o see the GitHub public repository with the material of the course.

Author: Victor Cuspinera (vcuspinera)

Logo made for the Project Development course. Image by Victor Cuspinera.

Project Development course

In the second semester of 2021 I was invited to present my personal project “Choosing a baby name using Python” in a webinar organized by the managers of the Master in Data Science program at Universidad de Guadalagara (UDG). After this event, I was invited to collaborate in the program giving a course related to project management and development.

I start teaching the Project Development course on January 2022, using mainly the material teached by the previous professor of Risk Management from the Project Management Institute (PMI) and simulation wit ‘@Risk’. However, I also had the oportunity to add material and tools that I believe it could be useful for the students.

In almost two years, since I start teaching this course in January 2022 until December 2023, the material has evolved and change completely from what I inherited. In the last version of the course, I focused on working with open-source tools for collaborative version control software (GitHub and Git), an overview of Markdown and User Interface commands, developed an exploratory data analysis (EDA), and other tools for web scraping, interactive graphics, text analysis, wordclouds and use maps with Python.

Click here to access to the public repository of the course.


In this section I will share the mid-term and final projects developed by students in 2023.

2023 fall

Final projects where the students made a great teamwork applying some tools as web scraping, interactive graphics, text analysis, wordclouds, maps and use of ChatGPT with Python

Mid-semester projects where we developed an EDA in GitHub

2023 spring

Final projects where we work with Python libraries for scrapping tweets, data visualization with Altair, analyze Text and Spatial Data

Mid-semester projects where we developed an EDA in GitHub